Friday, January 23, 2009

I am not good at relaxing

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30). Despite Jesus clear instructions and invitation, I find it hard to relax. At times I feel like relaxing is somehow a waste of time (which, by the way, I am pretty good at doing). I feel guilty that there is something I should be doing, someone I should be visiting, somewhere I should be.
Perhaps, despite my faith, I have trouble believing Jesus meant what he said. "Deny [yourself], pick up [your] cross and follow me," (Mt. 16:24) you betcha. "I will give you rest for your souls," um, well that just sounds too good to be true.
What is certain is that Jesus worked and rested throughout his ministry. He made time to be with the people, but also to find a quiet place for himself. Jesus went to weddings and feasts and never once seemed to think any of these things was a waste of time, was time he could have spent doing something else more productive.
I know I am a better pastor when I take my days off, but sometimes that is hard to believe. To try to convince myself of this I went on a retreat last October where they drilled it into my head that Sabbath-keeping was time well-spent. I even made a rule of life with sabbath-keeping (read resting) activities featured prominently. Despite all of that, I still feel, well, guilty about taking time off.
I think I need help and I am convinced only Jesus can provide that help. If only I could get over my unbelief.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Few Easy Resolutions to Build Up Your Faith

Every year I make new year's resolutions and every year I fall short. I am sure that this year will be no different.
That being said, I have found two easy resolutions that all of us can keep because all it involves is listening for about a half hour a day.
First, I am walking through the Bible in one year with the Daily Audio Bible ( Brian, the host, chooses a new English version each week and then reads through a daily selection. Each day's podcast is about 20 minutes. At the end of the reading Brian gives a short reflection and a few prayer requests. I know very little about him and his ministry, but his podcast ministry has been a blessing to me since about July last year and I look forward to this full year.
Second, I am also joining with the good folks of Princeton Theological Seminary (go Fighting Clergy) to listen through Calvin's Institutes throughout the year. A daily reading is about 10 minutes and has already given me much to think about as I listen instead of read. Details can be found at
I have also decided to listen to these two daily podcasts while exercising (we'll see how that goes).
I hope and trust that God will use these disciplines to teach and guide me as a disciple of Jesus Christ.